Creating user interfaces

As Hology Engine runs in yours web browser, it allows you to use existing libraries and tools to create user interfaces with Typescript, HTML and CSS. You can use any existing library or framework such as React, Vue, Angular, and many more. This enables you to leverage existing skillsets and resources rather than having to use something custom for Hology Engine. If you already have a preferred technology stack for building web application, this may be great. If on the other hand, your are new to web development, this may present you with lots of options of which you don't know what to choose. We have a suggested technology stack for UI development that will be used in our official tutorials that you can lean on.

Selecting a UI Framework

When you create a new project in the Hology Engine launcher, you can select a UI Framework. This will set up your project with specific libraries to get you started.

  • React - A single page client side react application. It also comes with Preact Signals to help with communicating state between your game play code such as actors and services with your UI react components.

  • None - A single page clients side typescript application. You could use this as a starting point to install other libraries of your choice.