Facebook Instant Games

Games built with Hology Engine an be packed as a static web application and be distributed easily on platforms like Facebook Instant games.

Step by step

Step 1: Prepare Your Game

Before you can upload your game to Facebook Instant Games, you need to package it up in a .ZIP file.

First, build your project with the following command in your project's directory.

npm run build

This should have created a folder called dist. Compress the dist directory into a .ZIP file.

Step 2: Set Up a Facebook Developer Account

  1. Join the Facebook Developer Program:

  2. Create a New App:

    • In the Developer Dashboard, create a new app. This app will represent your Instant Game on Facebook.

Step 3: Customize launching a game on Facebook

  1. Fill in details:

    • Fill in the basic details for your app, including the display name, description, category, and images.

  2. Upload game:

    • Go to Web hosting. Click "Upload version". Upload the .zip file you created in step 1.

Step 3: Review and publish

Go through the rest of the steps as explained in the official guide to submit your game for review and publish it.