Landscape painting

Landscape painting is a way to define control how the surface should look. What is important to know is that the painting tool does not paint a specific color. When the paint tool goes over a surface, it will increase or decrease a single numerical value in the corner of each triangle ranging from 0 to 1. This value can then be used by a shader to decide what color to use based on that value. The shader can for example mix the colors from two different texture samples based on if this painted vertex value is 0, 1, or something in-between.

See Painted materialsfor how to create a custom shader that can utilise vertex painted values.

Start painting

When the landscape is selected, you can start landscape painting by clicking P on your keyboard. The default material used on landscapes will show a blue color. This color is just used to help visualise where you are painting.


Multiple values can be stored per vertex in order to be able to mix different ground attributes or to layer different ground materials on top of each other. You can switch which layer you want to paint on using the keyboard shortcuts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 up to 8


The paint tool has a smooth fall off which means that it will affect the painted layer value of vertices closed to the middle of the affected area than vertices further from the tool.

Erase paint

Paint values can be decreased or completely erased by holding down Shift on your keyboard as you paint.

Paint radius

The size, or radius, of your paint tool can be changed by holding down F on your keyboard and moving your mouse left or right to decrease or increase the size.